Saturday, January 16, 2016

8-week program HIIT (beginner to advanced)



These exercises and more are from the bodyweight burner:

More from the bodyweight burner/HIIT Program 

The following program allows you to become a novice in HIIT to a true expert in just 8 weeks.
  • In phase 1, the program starts with a ratio of 1: 4 between work and rest with a total exercise time of just under 15 minutes.
  • In phase 2, it increases the time to "work" with a ratio of 1: 2 and a total exercise time of 17 minutes.
  • In phase 3, the ratio of rest to be reduced by half, down to 1: 1. The total exercise time increased to 18.5 minutes.
  • Finally, in phase 4, the relationship gets off to halve (increased to 2: 1) and the total time is 20 minutes. This way, you get to the later stages of HIIT training.
Suggested for each time phase is just that: a suggestion. If you need to spend more than two weeks at a certain stage before moving to the next, do it. Similarly, if some phase seems too easy, you can skip directly to the next.
To perform these exercises, you can use tools (like a jump rope), do jumping jacks and running or using an exercise bike. Use your imagination, but follow the directions of work and rest intervals.
Phase 1 (1: 4): Weeks 1 and 2
  • 15 seconds: high intensity exercise
  • 60 seconds: rest or low intensity exercise
Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final period of 15 seconds of high intensity. Total time: 14 minutes
Phase 2 (1: 2): 3 and 4 weeks
  • 30 seconds: high intensity exercise
  • 60 seconds: rest or low intensity exercise
Other repeated 10 times, followed by a final period of 30 seconds high intensity. Total time: 17 minutes
Phase 3 (1: 1): 5 and 6 weeks
  • 30 seconds: high intensity exercise
  • 30 seconds: rest or low intensity exercise
Repeat another 11 times, followed by a final 30-second period of high intensity. Total time: 18.5 minutes
Phase 4 (2: 1): 7 and 8 weeks
  • 30 seconds: high intensity exercise
  • 15 seconds: rest or low intensity exercise
Repeated 25 times, followed by a final 30-second period of high intensity. Total time: 20 minutes

I also combined this program with the 3-Week Diet Plan for better results:
3-Week Diet Plan  

Friday, January 15, 2016

HIIT and the Truth:

More on HIIT:
The best bodyweight burner/HIIT Program

The aim of HIIT is to involve as anaerobic energy production systems.
In the hours after training you remain accelerated metabolism consuming extra calories.
  Ultimately, adding calories expended in the training session, the consumed by metabolism in the hours of recovery, managed to burn a lot more calories than in a continuous cardiovascular training 1 hour, for example running.
The key to the HIIT training is effective is the intensity and involving enough muscle for the metabolic impact is adequate (do not work with barbell biceps for 20 "at full speed). An exercise bike, running, swimming, or exercises like squats or burpees are perfect for HIIT training.

The intensity and speed of execution that requires this training method are quite high. If you have a good physical condition you could go wrong and do not even get to complete it. "
On the other hand, you need to muscle control and to conduct joint exercises at high speed. The risk of injury especially for people with overweight can be quite high.

Are there other methods to lose weight?
Of course, there are cardiovascular workouts, strength programs with proper diet and facilitate fat loss and are effective alternatives to HIIT.
In conclusion, untrained people need preparation time at a lower intensity to print sufficient intensity to HIIT, and face to face to be effective and to have no risk of injury.

More on HIIT:
The best bodyweight burner/HIIT Program


Monday, January 11, 2016

Push it to the limits!

As you concentrate on pushing
Movements up and down are just as important when you do push-ups. Focus both at the time of pushing the body up and descent. Do not let gravity do the work for you. Remember also that when low work force.

The trick: When you do the upward movement pressed with fingers and palms to the floor.

Your hands are too far apart
When you leave plenty of space between your hands unless you also strive to do the exercise. Why? In reality, you cut the distance between your body and the ground. In addition, this causes increased tension from your shoulders and you work the chest area.

Tension tension tension

Muscle tension occurs when a heavy load is created in the muscle. On the one hand, it can make you gain strength and increase muscle size but can also provoke soreness and pain if not tension remains after the training session. So does the push-ups. You put a lot of strain on up and down, and then not stretch the chest or arms.

The trick: test the position of the bridge with a Swiss ball between the different series of push-ups. You will stretch your chest, your shoulders and even your lats. To do so put your head and the top of your back on the ball and place your arms perpendicular to your body. Drop your hips to the ground and hold this position for 10 breaths.

Do not tilt your neck forward
One of the common mistakes is to put the neck inclined toward the ground when we started to feel the fatigue in the arms and legs. This causes the spine is not in the correct position and increase the chances that you injury. Remember that to do well deflections have to touch the floor with your chest, not your nose.

The trick: your body has to draw a straight line between your head and your ankles. Like you have a broomstick stuck to the body that was in contact with the head, upper back and rear. Keep your body aligned all the while you do push-ups.

Use this pushup program for best results:
HIIT Program

Water Myths!


Myth 1: You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day

Reality: Reality. According to the Research Institute of Water and Health (IIAS), the male need daily amount of 3 liters of water, while women only need 2.2 liters. It may be that these amounts will seem a bit exorbitant. However, only drink 4 glasses of water during the meal and you reach a liter of water, about half of what experts recommend. Another trick to drinking water without giving (almost) account is to add half a liter of juice or tea with your breakfast.

Myth 2: Drink only when thirsty and get the fluids you need

Fact: This statement could serve to someone very sedentary, but not for anyone, even occasionally, exercise. And according to recent studies suggest, lose liquid so quickly that the brain does not have time to react. An hour before entering the gym is advisable to drink half a liter of extra water before your body starts to dehydrate.

Myth 3: Coffee and tea dehydrate

Reality: False. Your morning coffee is moisturizing nonnegotiable. Why? Because coffee is basically water, saving the milk, if you take a cut or latte.  But do not forget the calories!

Myth 4: Drinking water before you eat will help you lose weight

Reality: The water you drink before or during a meal will not help you lose weight, and also helps the food out of the body faster. The water and solids are not mixed, and therefore very fast water leaves the stomach.  If you drink water, just calm the thirst, while food and water quench hunger while you hydrate. Some ideas: juice and pieces of fruit such as melon, peach, cucumber and tomato. Are pure water!

Myth 5: The vitamin water is better than normal water

Fact: vitamin water may contain more nutrients, such as vitamin C, but this will not come to the blood circuit faster than they would a standard fee. In addition, many of these vitamin waters not have all the vitamins that the body needs. Not to mention the sugar that is added to improve the taste of water.

Myth 6: Marathon runners need sports drinks, and the rest of us, not

Fact: When you sweat a lot, your body loses water and salt through the pores. Some drinks are served to replace both. And they serve the same for senior players like for you after an afternoon of running along the beach. In addition, the sodium in sports drinks helps retain more liquid, making you eat less and feel better faster.

I tried these recipes to mix with my juice cleanse and exercise for a proper diet:

Saturday, January 9, 2016

On Meditation...
I believe in mediation.  Imaging clearing your browser history or restarting your computer.  Imagine its the first day of summer everyday.  Deep breaths followed by deep thoughts.
The ultimate goal is the spirit (not the soul!) To train in concentration on one thing or one idea, so tensions can naturally run off, to become aware of physical signals and the presence of your soul, your super -onbewuste! This is also described as being in the 'now'.
Now imagine for that after a long mountaineering have reached the top of a mountain and is attacked by the beautiful, distant views. By the free and distant view you tend to want to fly be free as a bird in the air. The moment you see yourself as a free bird in the sky you forget everything around you, you have no sense of time more and you're not dwell on the worries of everyday life. You feel relaxed and perfectly happy overall. You are caught in the moment, in the now. You will live in the "now" and reclaim YOU. The essence of discovering life.
Yes, rather, to discover what the soul actually wants in this life, knowing that the purpose of a human soul is to experience everything, so that they can be anything.
 Your life's work is therefore a statement about YOU.
This website helped me a lot with mediation, self-improvement, and the art of calming down.
To Eat or Not To Eat?
First, figure if you have any food allergies or certain food conditions.
Second take a look at this well-rounded list of food to eat:
1. Spinach
 Green and lush, spinach are a real source of omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid. In this regard, will help prevent heart-related diseases, strokes and even bone problems like osteoporosis.  It helps  to combat sexual problems derivatives of age. Spinach also have much lutein, a compound that fights macular degeneration. 

How do I take?
 A cup of fresh spinach or half a cup of cooked vegetables per day.

Try them with:
 Add spinach to your salads or add it to scrambled eggs.  Another idea is to put a little above your seafood pizza a few minutes before removing from oven.
Alternatives: kale, romaine lettuce.

2.  Greek Yogurt
The fermentation product which is yogurt generates hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms that will strengthen your immune system Still, not all yogurts are created equal.

Try this:  Add cranberries, walnuts, flax seeds to your yogurt or honey. Those who are low in fat, in addition, are also ideal for salad dressings and creamy sauces. 

 Mix 1 cup low-fat yogurt, 1 fresh blueberries, another carrot juice and fresh spinach last for a smoothie rich in nutrients.
 Alternatives: Kefir, soy yogurt.

3.  Tomato
There are two things you should know about tomatoes. Red tomatoes have more antioxidants And two: tomatoes are as healthy as fresh as for the body is easier to absorb the lycopene they contain.  Recent studies have demonstrated that include tomatoes in the diet reduces the risk related to bladder, lung, prostate, skin and stomach diseases; and it reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

Try taking about 22 milligrams of lycopene a day, which is the same as taking eight red cherry tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice.

Try them with:
Garnish with some chopped mint.
Alternatives: watermelon, grapefruit, Japanese persimmon, papaya and guava.

4. Carrots
The warm colored vegetables contain lots of soluble -compounds carotenoids that help prevent diseases such as cancer, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis; entre otras muchas-, pero ninguna tiene tan baja densidad calórica como las zanahorias. among other many-but none has such a low caloric density as carrots. Toma al menos una cada día. It takes at least one every day.

Alternatives: Potato, squash, yellow peppers, mango.

5. Blueberries
Blueberries are one of the fruits contain more antioxidants. They will help prevent cancer, diabetes and changes in age-related memory. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that blueberries, for its rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, also improve cardiovascular health.
Never mind that the take fresh, frozen or in a jam: they retain all their properties.

Try this:
 The acai berry from the Amazon, has more antioxidants than blueberries. Make a shake containing acai juice, cereal and yogurt.

 Alternatives: acai berries, purple grapes, prunes, raisins, strawberries

6. Nuts
More heart-healthy salmon, with many anti-inflammatory polyphenols as red wine and muscle protein such as chicken. Walnut is the star. Other nuts combine one or two of these features, but not all three. In addition, a portion of nuts is perfect to regain strength after training.
Try them with:
 prinkle on salads; cut them and add them to the pancake mix; and mixtures with olive oil to make a marinade for fish or chicken.  

Alternatives: almonds, peanuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts.

7.  Oats
Do not be put her sad gray appearance: oatmeal is one of the foods that  are packed with soluble fiber, which lowers the risk of heart disease, and carbohydrate, which slows sugar release.

Try it like this:
Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of oat cereals, salads or yogurt.
Alternatives: quinoa, wild rice

I used this 'spot nutrition' method to help me improve my diet.
Spot Nutrition Plan

And this 3-week Diet Plan has many recipes so your taste buds don't get stale
Three Week Diet Plan 


Leg Exercises and Foot Strengthening

One thing we should not neglect is proper care for feet/ankles and strengthening the legs.

Never skip leg day!

4 Exercises:

1. Squats (bodyweight exercise):
TRY THIS Feet twenty centimeters apart (the width of the hips) and arms on hips feet.. Moves legs out and raise your arms to shoulder height keeping static the upper body. Perform 16 to 24 repetitions.
Develop the stability of the knee and ankle to achieve a stronger momentum and improved landing.

TRY THIS Keeping you on your left leg, right knee raised to waist height, jumps forward landing softly. Jump back and then diagonally (to the left). Return to the center, jump to the left and begins again.  Do 12 repetitions and switch legs.
 Strengthen foot muscles and involves the flexor tendons of the hips, buttocks, quadriceps and core.

TRY THIS Start in the plank or push-up position, with your abs tense, bend the left knee and right knee. After the right foot takes place below the waist up, landing softly with the front of the foot and preventing the left leg touches the ground. Then release the right foot back, keeping your knees together and left leg raised. 16 reps and then switch legs.
Here's a no nonsense guide to leg exercises:
Losing Fat, Gaining Muscle

Those extra kilos accumulated during the winter fill us with concern; it's time to remove excess fat in the shortest possible time.
Now we must use these initial months marches to be losing weight gradually, to reach our ideal weight. It is recommended to reduce 500-700 grams / week not exceeding 1 kg / week. Rapid weight loss can have serious health consequences and lead to a reduction in athletic performance.
The lower limit of a restricted diet is 2000 calories. The lower reductions to 2000 calories must be controlled medically. Programs fasting and diet that minimize maximum caloric intake can be potentially dangerous because, generally, result in the loss of large amounts of water, electrolytes, minerals, glycogen and protein with minimal loss of fat tissue.
Slimming strategies are based on achieving a negative energy balance. Currently it is fully demonstrated that the combination diet and increased physical activity provides long-term diet alone or exercise better result. With only dietary measures, it is often quickly regain lost weight and exercise is only difficult to lose weight, because the metabolic cost of exercise time is usually quite limited.

This is what I used to lose body fat as safe and fast as possible:
 Click to lose bodyfat!

Equipment Free Workouts And Synchronized Diet - Lose 21 Pounds In Only 21 Minutes Per Day
