Monday, January 11, 2016

Water Myths!


Myth 1: You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day

Reality: Reality. According to the Research Institute of Water and Health (IIAS), the male need daily amount of 3 liters of water, while women only need 2.2 liters. It may be that these amounts will seem a bit exorbitant. However, only drink 4 glasses of water during the meal and you reach a liter of water, about half of what experts recommend. Another trick to drinking water without giving (almost) account is to add half a liter of juice or tea with your breakfast.

Myth 2: Drink only when thirsty and get the fluids you need

Fact: This statement could serve to someone very sedentary, but not for anyone, even occasionally, exercise. And according to recent studies suggest, lose liquid so quickly that the brain does not have time to react. An hour before entering the gym is advisable to drink half a liter of extra water before your body starts to dehydrate.

Myth 3: Coffee and tea dehydrate

Reality: False. Your morning coffee is moisturizing nonnegotiable. Why? Because coffee is basically water, saving the milk, if you take a cut or latte.  But do not forget the calories!

Myth 4: Drinking water before you eat will help you lose weight

Reality: The water you drink before or during a meal will not help you lose weight, and also helps the food out of the body faster. The water and solids are not mixed, and therefore very fast water leaves the stomach.  If you drink water, just calm the thirst, while food and water quench hunger while you hydrate. Some ideas: juice and pieces of fruit such as melon, peach, cucumber and tomato. Are pure water!

Myth 5: The vitamin water is better than normal water

Fact: vitamin water may contain more nutrients, such as vitamin C, but this will not come to the blood circuit faster than they would a standard fee. In addition, many of these vitamin waters not have all the vitamins that the body needs. Not to mention the sugar that is added to improve the taste of water.

Myth 6: Marathon runners need sports drinks, and the rest of us, not

Fact: When you sweat a lot, your body loses water and salt through the pores. Some drinks are served to replace both. And they serve the same for senior players like for you after an afternoon of running along the beach. In addition, the sodium in sports drinks helps retain more liquid, making you eat less and feel better faster.

I tried these recipes to mix with my juice cleanse and exercise for a proper diet:

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