Never skip leg day!
4 Exercises:
1. Squats (bodyweight exercise):
TRY THIS Feet twenty centimeters apart (the width of the hips) and arms on hips feet.. Moves legs out and raise your arms to shoulder height keeping static the upper body. Perform 16 to 24 repetitions.
Develop the stability of the knee and ankle to achieve a stronger momentum and improved landing.
TRY THIS Keeping you on your left leg, right knee raised to waist height, jumps forward landing softly. Jump back and then diagonally (to the left). Return to the center, jump to the left and begins again. Do 12 repetitions and switch legs.
Strengthen foot muscles and involves the flexor tendons of the hips, buttocks, quadriceps and core.
TRY THIS Start in the plank or push-up position, with your abs tense, bend the left knee and right knee. After the right foot takes place below the waist up, landing softly with the front of the foot and preventing the left leg touches the ground. Then release the right foot back, keeping your knees together and left leg raised. 16 reps and then switch legs.
Here's a no nonsense guide to leg exercises:
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