Saturday, January 9, 2016

Losing Fat, Gaining Muscle

Those extra kilos accumulated during the winter fill us with concern; it's time to remove excess fat in the shortest possible time.
Now we must use these initial months marches to be losing weight gradually, to reach our ideal weight. It is recommended to reduce 500-700 grams / week not exceeding 1 kg / week. Rapid weight loss can have serious health consequences and lead to a reduction in athletic performance.
The lower limit of a restricted diet is 2000 calories. The lower reductions to 2000 calories must be controlled medically. Programs fasting and diet that minimize maximum caloric intake can be potentially dangerous because, generally, result in the loss of large amounts of water, electrolytes, minerals, glycogen and protein with minimal loss of fat tissue.
Slimming strategies are based on achieving a negative energy balance. Currently it is fully demonstrated that the combination diet and increased physical activity provides long-term diet alone or exercise better result. With only dietary measures, it is often quickly regain lost weight and exercise is only difficult to lose weight, because the metabolic cost of exercise time is usually quite limited.

This is what I used to lose body fat as safe and fast as possible:
 Click to lose bodyfat!

Equipment Free Workouts And Synchronized Diet - Lose 21 Pounds In Only 21 Minutes Per Day


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